Sunday, February 1, 2015

Benefits of Gaming

This week in ETPT 7980, we covered a vast amount of information through both documentation and video based on the benefits of gaming in education.  As everyone had their own categories for the benefits that come from gaming, I believe that Tom Chatfield’s summary of how gaming satisfies human need through the concepts of gaming was the best.  The most important take away from his talk was the simple gesture of emotional rewards “Wanting + Liking=Engaging”.  In education, learning occurs when the student desires to learn and finds some interest in the topic.

Relating what Chatfield says about games needing to be “Not too easy, but not too hard” and the current experience in Settlers, I see how this particular game follows such a rule.  I see spurts of tasks that are achievable, but then get discouraged with ones that are far from my reach.  It is the short term tasks that keep me going, but the ultimate goal is to achieve the longer tasks.  Specifically, the long term task of achieving the level 40 is a bit unrealistic at this point, but the leveling up every few days helps to increase my hopes.

Specifically, my experience with Settlers has following true with the suggestions offered by Chatfield.  The game allows you to measure progress through tasks and levels, the long term and short term gains are evident, you do receive rewards for your effort in battle, and rapid feedback is present.

However, one aspect of gaming that was no mentioned by Chatfield was suggested by McGonigal, and that was the “Social fabric” concept of gaming.   Reviewing the setup of guilds and the communication that is used between settler players is amazing.  Like McGonical shares, people are more likely to assist in a game than in real life.  I have had complete strangers offer me rewards and advice to further myself in the game.  Unlike the gaming world, it is less likely people would do this in the real world..

The epic win concept also struck me with surprise.  Not that it exists, but that it can be translated in such a way to offer educational opportunities to improve the world.  It is evident that many of the problems we face in reality can benefit from those who have a creative mind and the confident through their gaming ability. 

The categories that I believe gaming should consider is
1.       Higher Order Thinking (problem solving)
2.       Social Interaction
3.       Basic Human Needs

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